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Graphic studio
Flexo prepress
Laser engraving of elastomer plates

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Elastomer plates and sleeves

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Engraving of plate formats up to B0 and sleeves from 200 mm report

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Ecology and economy – reducing the amount of harmful chemicals and processing elastomer printing plates only with water

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Cooperation with large international groups in the sectors of solid cardboard packaging, beverage cans, plastic packaging, napkins and stands

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Testing, training and consultancy services

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MMR Group PrintSolutions it's a team
qualified specialists in the field of printing

MMR Group PrintSolutions is a modern graphic studio and flexographic prepress, which offers design, file optimisation and production of printing forms for 3D engraving. A wide range of raw materials allows us to make plates for flexographic printing, offset varnishing and dry offset printing.

Graphic studio


Flexo prepress


Laser engraving of elastomer plates







One of the core pillars of MMR Group
is environmental awareness.

The demand for sustainable products and services is particularly important in the printing industry, which responds
to the needs of other, often restrictive economic sectors such as cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and children's products.

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